International Women in Engineering Day


Women driving a truck

十大网络彩票平台大全能源公司很荣幸能够支持6月23日的国际工程女性日(INWED21),以表彰和庆祝所有改变和影响世界的杰出女工程师. The theme for this year is #ENGINEERING HEROES! 对十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金来说,重要的是提高女性工程师的形象,鼓励更多女性考虑在十大网络彩票平台大全能源公司和整个废物处理行业担任工程师角色. 十大网络彩票平台大全能源致力于多元化的各个方面,并公开承诺增加女性在其员工队伍中的代表性, especially in Operations. 从2015年的7%,十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金已经将女性在十大网络彩票平台大全能源公司的比例提高到12%. 十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金很高兴地看到,到2022年,十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金的所有职位中女性比例将超过15%. By sharing stories of our amazing women engineers, 十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金的目标是激励更多的女孩和年轻女性考虑在能源和废物部门担任工程角色.

Dragana - Environment and Management Systems Manager

How would you describe what you do in one sentence?

作为一名环境和管理系统经理,我的职责是多种多样的. 我公司确保遵守环境许可证,建立质量保证. and control strategy for environmental framework. 我还参与工厂战略,并与环境局保持联系.

What attracted you to your career in engineering?

I always loved science at school. 我父亲是一名材料工程师,对他所做的工作充满热情. 我相信他把对工程的热情传给了我. 很自然地,我跟随他的脚步,选修了大学材料工程的课程.

What is one cool thing you get to work on at LondonEnergy?

I get to work on lots of fantastic projects. One project that stands out was for chemicals management. 计划是建立一个环境管理系统,设计程序,并将其应用于工厂的实际情况.

How does your work impact the community of north London?


What do you like the most about your job at LEL?

从工程的角度来看,十大网络彩票平台大全能源公司是一个令人愉快的工作场所. There are different operational areas with the energy plan, Incineration, generation of electricity, effluent treatment plant and cooling water system. Working at LEL is a humbling experience. I feel lucky to work here. 关于工程,有什么有趣或令人兴奋的事情是人们可能不知道的? 在能源工厂从事工程工作是多样化的、充满活力的、鼓舞人心的. It involves problem-solving, 你将成为工厂绩效环境解决方案的一部分.

Adetola - Capital Projects Manager

How would you describe what you do in one sentence?

As a Capital Projects Manager, 与技术团队合作,按时安全交付复杂的工程改进项目, scope, and budget.

What attracted you to your career?

利用我的技能和能力在可持续领域取得积极进步的概念一直是我的核心动力. 我的职业允许我在绿色能源行业工作.

What is one cool thing you get to work on at LEL?

最引人注目的将是涡轮机的退役和安装工作. 这需要项目团队内部和外部利益相关者的大量团队合作,因为有许多机械问题, structural, and electrical challenges to overcome. 一个简单的例子是重新设计结构梁支撑,以扩大墙壁开口,以允许移除大型涡轮机.

How does your work impact the community of north London?

我的工作包括监督改善工程项目,这意味着十大网络彩票平台大全能源公司可以继续从垃圾填埋场转移北十大网络彩票平台大全居民的废物, 它被用作饲料,有效地发电,然后再分配给居民的家庭.

What do you like the most about your job at LEL?

I am constantly learning! 每个新项目都伴随着成功和挑战,最终会提高一个人的技能. With this, I can work collaboratively with engineers, contractors, 为供应商寻找各种复杂问题的解决方案.

What are your future career goals?



你有广泛的职业机会和前景-有几个工程专业从传统的土木, 机械和电气到较新的领域,如软件, Robotics, Space Engineering. Not all engineers wear hard hats!

Ameerunnisa - Business Intelligence Technical Analyst

How would you describe what you do in one sentence?

我为员工提供Microsoft Dynamics 365技术问题和设计智能的解决方案, innovative visual reports.

What attracted you to your career? 

To work with a team of external developers and consultants, 为员工提供支持性解决方案,使他们的工作和生活顺利进行,这是值得的.

What is one cool thing you get to work on at LEL?


What do you like the most about your job at LEL?

The people are fantastic at LEL. 每个人都互相支持,我交了一些好朋友.

What are your future career goals?

I would love to manage a team in a few years.