Cycle to Work Day


Man on a bike

Cycle to Work Day,  held on the 5th August was a chance for every to give cycling a go. At LondonEnergy, we encourage our employees to sign up for our Cycle to Work scheme and provide on-site bike storage. Many of our colleagues cycle to work for environmental benefits, to save money, keep fit, and reduce their use of public transport. Our Driver, Lewis, shares his experience of cycling to work.

Meet Lewis - Driver and Cycle to Work Champion  

How long have you worked at LEL?

I started working at LondonEnergy In February 2020.

How many days do you cycle to work?

I cycle to work five days a week.

How many miles do you cycle per day?

I cycle 7.5 miles each way, so 15 miles per day.

How long have you been cycling to work?

I’ve been cycling for 20 years.

Why did you start cycling to work?

Initially, it was for environmental reasons. Owning a car in London is highly unnecessary with the amount of public transport options. If you value door-to-door travel flexibility, then cycling is the obvious option. The biggest advantage is that the commute time is always exactly the same. It is so reliable as I never have to factor in traffic or public transport disruptions. It is surprisingly easy to cover relatively large distances by bike. There is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing.

What health benefits have you found from cycling?

I arrive at work wide awake, alert and revitalised mentally and physically, ready for a days work. On the return journey, I enjoy the opportunity to burn off any stress built up, whether from driving an HGV through heavy traffic or office work.

Do you use any fitness trackers?

I have used Map My Ride. I tend to use it when starting a new commute to get familiar with the number of calories I burn each day. On the commute to work, I burn around 350 calories each way.

Have you taken part in any cycling competitions/or races?

No, it is primarily a transport option. However, I will go for a ride with the peloton around Regent’s Park (groups of amateur enthusiasts doing laps) occasionally, just because it is fun to ride in large groups at high speeds.

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